Access Control Feature

With UpCRM’s access control feature, admins and sales managers gain precise control over who can see contacts within the app.

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Published On: June 12, 2024

Author: Stetzon Blacker

Your CRM is the MOST VALUABLE ASSET in your dealership. However, in this dog-eat-dog industry, the risk of internal competition can sometimes put your valuable leads at risk. How do you ensure a fair playing field while maximizing your CRM’s potential?

UpCRM understands the importance of maintaining a peaceful sales environment while safeguarding your dealership’s valuable leads. With UpCRM’s access control feature, admins and sales managers gain precise control over who can see contacts within the app. No more worries about leads being poached or disputes over ownership. Admins can easily enable tailored access for each contact that is entered into the system, ensuring that sales teams only see leads relevant to them.

If you need to share leads with multiple salespeople, no problem. Use the granular access control in UpCRM to ensure that only the people involved in the deal can see those leads. If you want someone other than the assigned salesperson working the lead, specifically give access to not only view the contact, but to also modify the contact. UpCRM’s access controls lock down the ability to view, the ability to edit, and the ability to manage contacts specifically to exactly who you want to give the access to.

Gone are the days of worrying about salespeople poaching leads from their colleagues. UpCRM’s Access Control ensures that each lead is assigned and visible only to the designated salesperson or team. This not only boosts accountability but also fosters a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive.

With UpCRM’s Advanced Access Control, you can rest assured that your most valuable asset—your contacts—are in safe hands. Say goodbye to lead disputes, unauthorized access, and missed opportunities. Empower your team to focus on what they do best: building relationships and driving sales.

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Stetzon Blacker

Business Development Manager

Stetzon comes from a background of design and video production. As Business Development Manager, he is here to forge relationships and initiate growth opportunities.

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