UpCRM and Sales Generation

UpCRM tracks your unique sales process and provides managers the data needed to coach them into better closing ratios.

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Published On: May 14, 2024

Author: Stetzon Blacker

Your CRM is the MOST VALUABLE ASSET in your dealership. UpCRM is a sales generating machine.

Get your sales team to close more deals by tracking the activities that increase sales. UpCRM tracks your unique sales process and provides managers the data needed to coach them into better closing ratios.

What is measured is managed, and what is managed improves.

More Demo’s leads to more Write Ups and ultimately more closes. More appointments set leads to more Demo’s. Customize your sales process in UpCRM and track the leading and lagging indicators to increase your closing ratios. Manage your floor traffic, Internet traffic, and follow-up activity with UpCRM’s intuitive reporting that provides the data you need to make the improvements that are necessary. UpCRM shows a red flag for any behavior that needs improvement. Clear your flags to get on track!

UpCRM is the easiest way for your sales team to log up’s, know who to follow-up with, and manage the activities that lead to more sales. Management gets real-time performance metrics and red flags that surface bad behavior. Improve your sales game with UpCRM.

Get control, keep control! Contact us today and see how UpCRM can work for you and your team.

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Stetzon Blacker

Business Development Manager

Stetzon comes from a background of design and video production. As Business Development Manager, he is here to forge relationships and initiate growth opportunities.

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